Sunday, February 20, 2011


Salam everyone.

How long has it been since i last update this blog?
i don't wanna know.
my life at IIUM, Gombak is progressing, i guess since it's going to end soon.
but i don't know what i should share with you guys.
i guess nothing really captured my eyes yet.
just one thing that happened, i let my friends read my novel.
the one i make myself.
it's in Malay of course.
and i'm thinking... of posting it here.
but i'm afraid that it would be too long and it would be boring.
but one don't know until they try, right?
so, i'm going to give it a try.

there's one more prob.
it doesn't have a title.
please give me suggestions along the way.
up until now, all i can come up with is 'Kisah Kami'.
not a good title choice, i think?
well, tell me what you think.
and please, please, please pardon my ordinary novel language since i'm not a literature student.
anyway, please enjoy, fellow readers.



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